Logo T-Shirt


The softest 100% cotton t-shirt on the planet!  Made from certified organic cotton grown from right here in North Carolina.

Our choice was to seek a sustainable option.  

American Soil Organic tees prove a commitment to providing you with a 100% trackable, certified organic, grown-and-made in the USA t-shirt. The highest quality, most sustainable t-shirt choices available

Rehance printing- allows printing with waterbased inks on a dark t-shirt, something difficult for other printers to accomplish without harsh chemicals. The inks become part of the shirt, rather than sitting on top of it, resulting in a print you can’t feel, and won’t crack, peel or fade over time. It’s more expensive than tactile inks, but provides superior durability.

We know you won't be disappointed!

Notes of Interest:

The sizing is generous and the back of the shirt is blank.  

This is an example of what we're hearing...

"I have many t-shirts but I do wash just to put this back on"

"Thanks for bringing us a sustainable option for our family"

"Love the design and color"


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