Stoney Mountain Farm

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Turning 60

I have felt the magnitude of each of the decades in my rear view, in some way. My 20’s, I was psyched and totally high on life. 30, also psyched and totally enjoying earning a living and able to really enjoy the fruits of my labor alas, with slight pause that I left my 20’s. 40’s really hit but turned out to be my best decade to date. My 50’s, I thought would be worse but were pretty darn great. Turning 60 has taken a few deep, guttural swallows.

As the reality sinks in, I’m still digesting it. It feels WEIRD .

It seems I look at everything a bit differently…

and everyone looks at me a bit differently too…it seems.

When I think about the decades gone by I can summarize, I had a lot of fun in my 20’s and 30’s. I was trying to figure out who I was and what I really wanted out of my glorious life and what I wanted to contribute to this wonderful world. In my 40’s many of my life’s dreams came to fruition. My 50’s I was living those dreams. 60’s, well, yet to be seen….

My genetics gift me with a full head of white hair! So, when I get used to having all this white hair, I’ll have to agree I have a good head of it and then it shouldn’t be so bad?

As I’m sure everyone does, the “senior” discounts come as mixed blessings. I really looked deep for the glory in it all. Excited to get them but hated being asked.

One birthday wisher said they were her BEST years. I want so for that to be true and I am hopeful that will be so.

Alas, I’m still swallowing.